Laghel 7 is a farm established in 1969 in the hills of the Upper Garda area in Trentino, located N-W of the town of Arco, in an area traditionally dedicated to the cultivation of olive trees. The lots are at an average elevation of 360 m a.s.l., and were used to cultivate both vines and olive trees. In 2003, the agricultural activity was converted to the exclusive cultivation of olives and in 2009 it obtained the certification for organic farming. Considering the prevailing climatic and geological conditions of the area, the choice fell on the cultivation of a single olive variety known as “Casaliva” that is resistant even at very high latitudes. To date, our groves consist of three hundred trees at varying levels of productive maturity. The alternance of the Pelér breeze in the morning with the southerly Ora breeze in the afternoon regulates the temperatures and the air’s salubrity in the two hectares of olive groves. The attentive cultivation techniques and early harvesting lead to the production of an oil that twinkles with crystal-clear topaz tints and golden hues, while the fragrance evokes the fresh, vibrant herbal tones of artichoke, almond, walnut husk and unripe banana. Due to its richness in healthy polyphenols, the tasting using the ‘strippaggio’ technique elicits sustained, ardent, long and peppery, spicy aromas that slowly give way to an educated and dignified pungency that is the essential feature of a good quality extra virgin olive oil. The presence of elegant fragrances and of the persistent spiciness that are typical of this generous and expressive cultivar, are ideal for brightening up the local cuisine based on lake fish and Garda Riviera vegetables. ‘EVO Laghel 7 Monocultivar Casaliva ex albis olivis’ has been listed among the Top 25 Biopress in Germany, was selected as representative of extra virgin olive oils of Northern producers at OliVia 2014 at Casa Vissani, and is mentioned in all major Italian specialised magazines such as Flos Olei, Catalogo Nazionale degli Oli Monovarietali, Bibenda, Monocultivar Olive Oil, Guida agli Extravergini Slow Food.
Oil Tasting of L7 Extra Virgin Olive Oil Organic on hills of Alto Garda Trentino
We offer you a tasting of locally produced organic olive oil L7 extravergine Monocultivar Casaliva, recognised a few years ago as a Slow Food presidium. You will be guests of a farm located in a panoramic position in the hills of Alto Garda Trentino, an area traditionally dedicated to the cultivation of olives.
This family-run business boasts a farm with numerous animals, over three hundred olive trees and an organic vegetable garden. In 2003 it was completely converted into an olive farm and from its hilltop location it dominates the northern tip of Lake Garda.
The experience will begin with a walk among the olive trees: the owner of the farm will be able to fascinate you with the history of this cultivation and its products, which are the result of the area's unique terroir and climate. The alternating breezes, the Pelér in the morning from the north and the Ora in the afternoon from the south, regulate the temperature and healthiness of the air in the three hectares of olive groves.
You will then be welcomed into the property's garden, under a pergola or among the shaded tables of the berceau, for a tasting of the locally produced oil, certified organic since 2009. Your guide will accompany you in the visual, olfactory and gustatory analysis of the oil: you will learn to recognise its typical crystalline topaz colour with golden reflections and the different scents that make up its olfactory framework, from raw and lively herbaceous tones to those of artichoke and almond.
A multisensory experience, useful to fully appreciate the value of this territorial excellence, the result of craftsmanship rooted in tradition
Possibility of purchasing by the farm.